Rødovre Mighty Bulls-angriberen Mads Eller får fem spilledages karantæne for tacklingen på Hernings Jacob Nordqvist søndag eftermiddag. Her får du kendelsen på skrift:
Mads Eller, Rødovre Mighty Bulls
Major Penalty and Game Misconduct, Checking From Behind
3 – Hensynsløs
5 kampdage, som skal afsones i følgende kampe:
28-02-2025 19:00 Odense Bulldogs - Rødovre Mighty Bulls
05-03-2025 19:00 Rødovre Mighty Bulls - SønderjyskE
07-03-2025 19:00 Rødovre Mighty Bulls – Rungsted Seier Capital
09-03-2025 19:00 Aalborg Pirates – Rødovre Mighty Bulls
1. turneringskamp i sæsonen 2026/27 (kan deltage i træningskampe)
Rapport fra Situation Room
On Sunday afternoon in Herning, RMB forward Mads Eller was penalized with a Major and Game Misconduct for Checking from Behind on HBF #15.
As the video shows, HBF #15 and RMB #11 Mads Eller are skating into the HBF defensive zone in a race for a loose puck. HBF #15 is in the lead, with RMB skating directly behind him. HBF #15 is aware of the incoming Eller, as indicated by his head turn to look at Eller.
Throughout this play, HBF #15 has his numbers clearly visible and is at a dangerous distance from the boards. Eller then chooses to take his left hand off his stick and uses it across the back of HBF #15, forcefully driving him dangerously into the boards. This constitutes Checking from Behind.
It is important to note that this is not a case where Eller was committed to making a hit with the intention of separating the puck from the puck carrier, only for the puck carrier to turn at the last second—thus transforming a legal hit into an illegal one. In this instance, HBF #15 never gains possession of the puck and has his numbers clearly visible, leaving him ineligible to be hit.
Eller makes a dangerous hit on a player who is unable to protect himself. Delivering acheck from behind through the numbers to an opponent with no regard for the player or the puck, Eller is fully aware of his opponent's position (numbers visible and distance from the boards). He chooses to make contact with a vulnerable opponent with an illegal Check from Behind.
To Summarize:
* Check from Behind
* Opponent in a vulnerable position (numbers visible, unable to
protect himself)
* Opponent at a dangerous distance from the boards
Udvalgets afgørelse
Baseret på det foreliggende videomateriale, den af Situation Room udarbejdede rapport og RMB’s indsendte partsindlæg, har udvalget
besluttet følgende:
Forseelsen kategoriseres i Kategori 3 – Hensynsløs.
Mads Eller straffes med karantæne i 5 kampdage.
Det bemærkes, at karantænen strækker sig ind i sæsonen 2025/26 hvorfor det tillades at Mads Eller deltager i evt. træningskampe i
sæsonen 2025/26.
Henrik Klinkvort